Are you a resident of the United Kingdom who is looking out for ways to own a passport for travelling to other countries? Or are you a business person requiring frequent visit to other nations for boosting up business relations? The HMPO office helps in a great deal to have your passport prepared in a hassle free manner. They even have dedicated passport helpline 0300-222-0000 to help you get your queries, doubts answered through online means, via post or phone calls.
The information page in the British-Passport contains various details that help officials may be at airport or legal authorities to identify who you are and even catch defaulters using fake passport to make their ways illegally into a nation. The British-passport has the following data in it.
While applying for British-passports you need to have two latest up to date photos having 45 mm height and 35 mm width. It should not be a trimmed version of a larger photo and must be professionally printed in colour, not older than a month and unaltered by means of any software.
This type field is used to indicate the type of passport which might be British Citizen, British Over-territories citizen, British Overseas citizen, British Subjects with right of abode in UK, British Subjects without right of abode in UK, British protected Persons and British Nationals./p>
ISC indicates the country code that issues the passport; it is usually a three lettered code like GBR, GBD, GBO, GBS, GBP etc.
It contains the eleven digits Passport Number that is used by the system to uniquely recognise who you are.
This field is used to hold your surname details.
This field holds you name information
This field holds the detail of country you belong to originally, in essence the country you were born in.
The date on which you were born is stored in this field, instead of mentioning age directly; the date of birth field is used to calculate the age factor.
Whether you are male or female is mentioned using the Gender/Sex field in the British-Passport.
Place you were born in is used to track your origin and even trace your family and kin in case of accidents.
It contains details on the issuance date of the passport, the expiry date is calculated based on this field.
This field contains the name of authority that issues the passport, mostly it is the Her Majesty’s Passport Office.
Most British-Passport are valid for ten years, the expiry date is calculated from the date of issuance depending upon the type of passport.
Your signature is printed usually in an image format so that it is easily recognised by the officials to detect fake persons.
This is a special area holding OCR characters that are machine readable so as to make the process faster and smoother.
For any question regarding your British-passport make a call to 0300-222-0000 or using textphone 18001-0300-222-0222.